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If you want to check my old newsletter issues, you'll find them here:

newsletter - Peter Kos
#FivePoints weekly newsletter. Five carefully curated bullet points within the 500-word radius. Get my posts + a selection of smart stuff across productivity, personal growth/development, leadership, self-care, and other topics for the modern professional. In your inbox – once per week. Members-o…

New in 2021: I'm sending the draft chapters of my 2nd book to the subscribers – so you can follow the book writing progress and/or influence the content!

BBB newsletter is short and concise, something to quickly scan through towards the most interesting parts. Easily digestible, in small chunks.

Five bullet points.

On Wednesdays; as a mid-week pick-me-up. Coffee-spitting content included.


Who am I?

Here's my Author page:

Peter Kos - Finding Your Enough
Tired of living on a passive autopilot? The Elements of Lifestyle is a story on living a joyous life by: - applying intentional life design - following the path of kaizen - and finding your enough.

I work with the wonderful people at NetApp. Let's connect on LinkedIn, that's my social media of choice.

When not leading the channel transformation (CX) at NetApp, I'm a writer. In 2020, I finally published my first book, see the preview here:

Then I bought this digital real estate (aka domain) to promote my book launch, and it's turning into my digital sandbox. I decided to publish and share more of my writing. My usual cadence is to publish 1-2 new blog posts a week — whatever I can fit into my morning/weekend writing time slots.

These are the 3 most-read articles:

Home office setup ideas & checklist 2021
Home office setup ideas and checklist 2020. Best home office setup for productivity.
Life Design Worksheet
A simple Google Docs Worksheet that will help you Design your 5-year plan, Annual plan, and 90-days goals to get you going.
Working From Home: 10 Time Management tips & tricks
This is my collection of tips & trips for time management (while Working From Home).

How about you? Who are you?

I'd love to hear from you via direct messages on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn! I promise to write back asap.

Thanks for subscribing!

I hope you'll Find Your Enough.


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