BlackBird's Bullets #4: a medley of wisdom, inspiration, finances, and fun.

Welcome to the fourth edition of the newsletter which I'm finding it hard to name right. The first edition was titled .kaizen, the second one went out as Find Your Enough, the third one abbreviated as FYE. Corporate cultures of 3-letter-acronym-everything spilled over and you might wonder WTF is BBB?!

The short answer: BlackBird's Bullets. The long answer: click HERE.

I'm trying to find something meaningful for my audience, so I'm going with bullet-points, something you can scan quickly. In writer's terms, that's under 500-words of content. Here we go.

This week's BlackBird's Bullets:

I hope you enjoyed this iteration of my newsletter. Keep exploring.

Stay Hungry; Stay Foolish.

The Elements of Lifestyle: Find Your Enough - Kindle edition by Kos, Peter. Self-Help Kindle eBooks @
The Elements of Lifestyle: Find Your Enough - Kindle edition by Kos, Peter. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Elements of Lifestyle: Find Your Enough.

I'd love to hear your feedback via direct messages on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn!