BlackBird's Bullets #4: a medley of wisdom, inspiration, finances, and fun.
BBB#4: Seth Godin, Matthew McConaughey, stoic wisdom, IPOs, fun, and some leadership advice.
Welcome to the fourth edition of the newsletter which I'm finding it hard to name right. The first edition was titled .kaizen, the second one went out as Find Your Enough, the third one abbreviated as FYE. Corporate cultures of 3-letter-acronym-everything spilled over and you might wonder WTF is BBB?!
The short answer: BlackBird's Bullets. The long answer: click HERE.
I'm trying to find something meaningful for my audience, so I'm going with bullet-points, something you can scan quickly. In writer's terms, that's under 500-words of content. Here we go.
This week's BlackBird's Bullets:
- I've written about Seth Godin's new book , and some stuff is now on Medium.
- Stoic wisdom: Remove these three words from your life.
- Matthew McConaughey's Incredible Motivational Speech - 13 Truths in Life
- We all have that one friend.
- Pros and cons of investing in 5 upcoming tech IPOs (Airbnb, ...). That Roblox game your kids are playing non-stop? Yes, they filed for an IPO (Roblox, not your kids!).
- Leader's version of putting your mask on first: If you want/need to improve your Team, you have to focus on yourself first.
- The first thing I'm getting back to after lockdown: Sauna.
- Here's something to crack you up: Wenger 16999 Swiss Army Knife Giant — read the reviews. Coffee-spitting warning level: EXTREME. You've been warned.
I hope you enjoyed this iteration of my newsletter. Keep exploring.
Stay Hungry; Stay Foolish.
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